Monday, January 26, 2015

Alias lscmd - colorized grep for cmd data (w/ ps & lsof)

alias lscmd='_(){ CP="\\033[1;3" && Y="${CP}3m" && R="${CP}1m" && P="${CP}5m" && B="${CP}4m" && C="${CP}6m" && G="${CP}2m" && RST="${CP}0m" && if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || [[ ${1} =~ ^- ]]; then echo -en "${Y}Usage: lscmd <cmd to grep for>${RST}\n"; else CHR1="${1:0:1}"; PSOUT=$(ps -ef | grep "[${CHR1}]${1:1}" 2>/dev/null); local -i PIDCHOICE=1; MATCHCOUNT=$(echo "${PSOUT}"|wc -l);if [[ "${MATCHCOUNT}" -gt 1 ]]; then PSOUT=$(echo "${PSOUT}" | cat -n); echo "${PSOUT}" | awk "{printf \"${Y}%s ${RST}\",\$1;\$1=\"\";printf \"${G}%s${RST}\n\",\$0}"; read -p "$(echo -en "${Y}Multiple matches found, enter number of process: ${RST}${G}")" -u 0 PIDCHOICE; echo -en "${RST}"; fi; if [[ -z "${PSOUT}" ]]; then echo -e "${Y}lscmd:: ${RST}${R}No Matches Found ${RST}${Y}(${RST}${G}grep${RST}${Y}\x27ing${RST} ${G}ps${RST}${Y}) for:${RST} ${B}${1}${RST}"; else TARGETPID=$(echo "${PSOUT}"|sed -n "${PIDCHOICE}p" | awk "{print \$2}"); CMDHEAD=$(/bin/ps --no-headers -p "${TARGETPID}" -o comm,pid -ww | awk "{printf \"${B}Command shortname: ${RST}${C}%s ${RST} ${B}Pid: ${RST}${C}%s${RST}\",\$1,\$2}");CMDLONG=$(/bin/ps --no-headers -p "${TARGETPID}" -o cmd -ww); CMDFILES=$(lsof -p "${TARGETPID}" 2>/dev/null | sed "1s#.*#\\${B}&\\${RST}#;1!s#^.*\$#\\${G}&\\${RST}#g"); OUTPUT1="${CMDHEAD}";OUTPUT2="${B}Full Command: ${RST}${Y}${CMDLONG}${RST}"; OUTPUT3="${CMDFILES}";echo -en "${OUTPUT1}\n${OUTPUT2}\n${OUTPUT3}${RST}\n"|more; fi; fi; }; _'

This command will grep ps for the term provided. If multiple matches are found the user will be presented with a number selection of matching commmands and a prompt to enter the choice (not the pid) of the process they wish to see data on.

/tmp/test$ Usage: lscmd <cmd to grep for>
/tmp/test$ lscmd yate
1 1000 9999 30794 6 Jan25 pts/1 01:02:07 yate
2 1000 28125 15877 1 01:11 pts/3 00:17:47 clients/yate-qt4 -c ./conf.d -m ./modules -e ./share
Multiple matches found, enter number of process: 1
Command shortname: yate Pid: 9999
Full Command: yate
yate 9999 cronkilla rtd DIR 8,1 4096 391664 /
yate 9999 cronkilla txt REG 8,1 6088 485695 /usr/bin/yate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 39576 634867 /usr/lib/yate/jingle/jinglef
eatures.yate yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 105952 634890 /usr/lib/yate/server/ysigcha n.yate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 31144 634881 /usr/lib/yate/server/mrcpspe ech.yate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 18696 634876 /usr/lib/yate/server/dbwave. yate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 31088 634875 /usr/lib/yate/server/dbpbx.y ate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 18856 634869 /usr/lib/yate/server/accfile .yate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 54960 634889 /usr/lib/yate/server/yradius .yate
yate 9999 cronkilla mem REG 8,1 22832 634882 /usr/lib/yate/server/park.ya

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