Sunday, March 8, 2015

Bash Random ID Generator - Based on mouse input, time, /dev/urandom, dynamic/static text

Description: gen_uniq_id.bsh

This program generates a random md5sum based on the current time to nanoseconds 
and collected mouse movement data/random data over .25 seconds or to an 
user-specified floating point timeframe. 

This program requires (to work to full capacity) by default:
md5sum, timeout, xinput, /dev/urandom

This program is self-modifying and intentionally sensitive to line number changes.

This program generates a random number based on the current time to the
nanosecond (date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N), combined with by default .25
seconds of mouse data combined with .25 seconds of random data.

This script currently outputs a random md5sum of a string consisting of
the current time, a block of text, mouse movement data and random data.

The default mouse device id currently set is 11, the
default this script "ships" with is 11 this is likely wrong for your
system so you will need to change it to the appropriate value. You may
set a new default value using the -M option.  

The appropriate mouse device id to use can be determined by
running: xinput --list

The default random device id currently set is /dev/urandom, the
default the script "ships" with is /dev/urandom which usually exists on
most `*`nix boxes. If you would like to use a random device other than
the current default you may set a new default value using the -R option. 

The default text currently set is:

You can also supply your own text statement dynamically with the
-s option, this allows for further random seeding opportunity.

If you like to use a different statement text you may set a new default
value using the -S option. 

WARNING: -M, -R, -S options require that ${0} (now set to ./gen_uniq_id.bsh) refer
to the script, either a fully qualified path /favorite/place/for/${0}
or ${0} to refer to the script you wish to modify that is in your
current directory. These options require further that you have write
permission on ${0}.

The -M, -R, -S options should only need to be issued VERY INFREQUENTLY,
once they are run the values become the new DEFAULT values. If you have
modified this script at all, or you think for any reason the line
numbers have changed then these options will likely fail.

It is recommended that you make a copy to a sandbox directory and test 
it there before running it on your main copy of this script. The script
does make a backup of the original script but the backup will get
clobbered from repeated use. If these options are too scary, then I
recommend you modify this script and comment out the logic in the case 
statement of the option handler. From there you can modify this script
manually when necessary.

Usage: gen_uniq_id.bsh <-h> <-d> <-m=[0.00..]> <-r=[0.00..]> <-s="YOUR QUOTE">

      -h           Show this message
      -d           Turn on debug mode
      -m=0.00..    Mouse data collection time, 0 turns off mouse data,
                   any float turns on collecting mouse movement data
                   for the random generated. Default is (.25 seconds)
      -r=0.00..    Random data collection time, 0 turns off random data
                   collection, any float turns on collecting random data
                   for the duration time in seconds for the random
                   generated. Default is (.25 seconds)
      -s           String of text to incorporate into the random md5sum
      -M=0-20..    Change default value of mouse device id (that
                   corresponds to xinput --list mouse device id)
      -R="/dev/.." Change default value of the random device to use
      -S="U QUOTE" Change default value of the STATEMENT STRING
        ## To generate a random md5sum based on random data collected 
        ## over .5 seconds and 1 second of collected mouse movement data
      $ gen_uniq_id.bsh -r.5 -m1

        ## To generate a random md5sum based on random data collected 
        ## over 0.004353 seconds without any collected mouse movement data
      $ gen_uniq_id.bsh -r".000004353354e+03" -m0

        ## To turn off mouse collection, and random collection and 
        ## seed with the last 5 commands from history w/debug on to see 
      $ gen_uniq_id.bsh -d -m0 -r0 -s$(history|tail -5)

        ## To generate a random md5sum without random data collected 
        ## and without any collected mouse movement data and with a 
        ## custom default text 
      $ gen_uniq_id.bsh -r0 -m0 -s="For my benefit only, I .."

        ## To debug and see all internal variables 
      $ gen_uniq_id.bsh -d 2>&1 | more

        ## To change the defaults for the mouse dev to device id 10, 
        ## random device to /dev/really_quick_random and 
      $ gen_uniq_id.bsh -M=10 -R="/dev/really_quick_random" \

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