E.g. If these files are in the cwd: file_1 file_10 file_10000
To get the creation time of file10:
$> lscrtime file_10$
To list the creation time of all three:
$> lscrtime file_1 (if no other files are in the directory)
-- or -- (more specifically)
$> lscrtime 'file_1[0]{0,5}$'
alias lscrtime='_() { local fs="";while IFS=" " read -d "" a b; do fs=$(df "${b:-.}"|tail -1|sed "s/ .*$//");crtime="$(sudo debugfs -R "stat <${a}>" "${fs}" 2>"${DISCARD_DEV}"|grep crtime|sed "s/.*-- //")"; echo "${b} ${crtime}"; done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -regextype posix-extended -regex "^(./)*${1}.*" -printf "%i %f\0");};_'