### Copyrighted +A.M.Danischewski (c)2015+
### You may reuse this software without limit provided this notice
### remain in tact.
### File: scroll_me.bsh
### Description: This software can be used to automatically infinite
### scroll, a webpage on tumblr and any other infinite scroll website.
### _-= Enjoy! _-=
declare PROGTITLE="${1:-Untitled}" ## Name of window (in title bar)
declare ITERATIONS=${2:-10} ## 10 is a bunch, change as needed
declare SLEEP_PAGERELOAD=${3:-3} ## Sleep time for new data to load
[[ "${1}" =~ ^- ]] && echo " Usage: ${0##*/} \"<prog title frag>\" [<itertations> [<sleep between reloads>]]" && exit 0
for a in $(eval echo {1..${ITERATIONS}}); do
xdotool search "${PROGTITLE}" key End
exit 0
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Infinite Scroll Any Website via Xdotool! =)
Friday, December 25, 2015
Html INFO pages - using info2html
// routing.php
// This php script routes calls to the info2html scripts, infocat and
// info2html for the PHP built-in webserver (like a PHP mod_rewrite).
// How to use:
// * Start the php webserver, wherever this file is found, or provide full path:
// $> php -S localhost:8000 -t / routing.php
// * Start browsing! Visit:
// http://localhost:8000/info2html?(coreutil)Top
// Note: Before you use this, edit the following variable to point to the
// info2html Perl script.
// Also make sure that your info share directory is listed in the
// info2html.conf file (mine wasn't I had to add /usr/share/info).
// 2015.12.25 +A.M.Danischewski <adam_ lastname@not gamil.com>
// 2015.12.25 +A.M.Danischewski <adam_ lastname@not gamil.com>
// 2015.12.25 V2.1 Initial version
// +A.M.Danischewski <adam_ lastname@not gamil.com>
// Copyrighted by A.M.Danischewski 2015+ (c)
// You may reuse this code without limit, provided this notice remain in tact.
if (preg_match('/info2html/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) $page=$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; else print_r($_SERVER);
// Calls info2html, same as if info2html were called from the commmand line.
System($info2html_basepath."/info2html \"".$page."\"");
} else if (preg_match('/infocat/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
// Calls infocat, same as if info2html were called from the commmand line.
else {
return FALSE;
Pulling the latest code:
$> git clone "https://github.com/AdamDanischewski/info2html.git"
Move the info2html directory to where you want it to live.
Review, edit, run configure.bsh.
After running configure.bsh you should find an alias file in the scripts directory,
add the alias to your .bashrc file.
You can now run the alias i2h as follows:
$> i2h coreutils wc invocation
~ or ~ to view the whole info catalog, i2h alone
$> i2h
If you don't have git a working edited version can be found here: info2html-2.1
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Simple Message Scheduler -- w/Zenity
#!/usr/bin/env bash
### Copyrighted by +A.M.Danischewski 2015+ (c)
### This program may be reutilized without limits, provided this
### notice remain intact.
## Any valid date format will do
## E.g. "+ 10 minutes", "+ 2 hours", "23:00:00", "@1450829119"
declare MSG_FMTSTRING=${1:-"20:00:00"}
declare PROG_NAME="${0##*/}"
declare -r SEND_MSG=${2:-"Check up on Marina"}
declare -ir SLEEP_CYCLE=2
declare -ir ZENITY_WIDTH=400
declare -ir ZENITY_HEIGHT=200
declare -r ZENITY_MSG_TITLE="Important Reminder"
function usage() {
echo -en "\n Usage: ${0##*/} <date format str> <\"message\">\n"
echo -en " E.g. date formats =>> \"+ 10 minutes\", \"+ 2 hours\", \"23:00:00\", \"@1450829119\"\n\n"
exit 0
function list_sched_msgs() {
local cmd_pid
local cmd_line
local cmd_sched
local start_time
local end_time
while IFS= read a; do
cmd_pid=$(awk "{print \$1}" <<< "${a}")
cmd_line=$(sed "s/^.*${cmd_pid} *//" <<< "${a}" | cut -d' ' -f3-)
cmd_sched=$(awk "{print \$4}" <<< "${a}")
## If its not a normal time (20:00:00) then presume its an offset (+ 5 Seconds).
! grep -Eq "@|:" <<< "${cmd_sched}" && cmd_sched=$(grep -iEo '^.*(hour[s]*|minute[s]*|second[s]*)' <<< "${cmd_line}" | tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]')
start_time=$(date -d"$(ps -o lstart= -p${cmd_pid})")
end_time=$(date -d"${start_time} ${cmd_sched}" 2>/dev/random)
### If end_time had an error (for the simple "+ 1 hour" type cases, then calculate off the
### start time of the process.
(($?)) && end_time=$(date -d"@$(($(date -d"${start_time}" +%s)+$(($(date -d"${cmd_sched}" +%s)-$(date -d"${start_time}" +%s)))))")
printf "Sched msg: %-35.35s.. Pid:%6.6s Ends: %-.35s\n" "${cmd_line##*/}" "${cmd_pid}" "${end_time}"
done < <(ps -eo pid,cmd | grep "[${PROG_NAME:0:1}]${PROG_NAME:1}" | grep -v "[${PROG_NAME:0:1}]${PROG_NAME:1} -l")
exit 0
function kill_msgs() {
kill $(ps -eo pid,cmd | grep "[${PROG_NAME:0:1}]${PROG_NAME:1}" | grep -Ev "[${PROG_NAME:0:1}]${PROG_NAME:1} -(k|l)" | awk '{printf $1" "}')
exit 0
function sanity_checks() {
[[ "${MSG_FMTSTRING}" =~ ^-l ]] && list_sched_msgs
[[ "${MSG_FMTSTRING}" =~ ^-k ]] && kill_msgs
[[ "${MSG_FMTSTRING}" =~ ^- ]] && usage
MSG_SCHEDULE=$(date --date="${MSG_FMTSTRING}" +%s 2>/dev/random)
if (($?)); then
echo -en "\nImproperly formatted date string (${MSG_FMTSTRING}) valid strings include: \n"
echo -en "\t\"+ 10 minutes\", \"+ 2 hours\", \"23:00:00\", \"@1450829119\"\n\n"
exit 0
function main() {
while :; do
if (($(date +%s) > ${MSG_SCHEDULE})); then
paplay "/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga"
zenity --width=${ZENITY_WIDTH} --height=${ZENITY_HEIGHT} --text-info \
--title "${ZENITY_MSG_TITLE}" <<< "${SEND_MSG}"
sleep ${SLEEP_CYCLE};
done & ## Background our dear process.
exit 0
alias msg='msg_sched.bsh'
alias lsmsgs='msg_sched.bsh -l'
alias killmsgs='msg_sched.bsh -k'
alias wakeups='_(){ INTERVALMIN=$((${1}*60)); MSGCNT=${2}; CURRTIME=$(($(date +%s)+${INTERVALMIN})); for a in $(eval echo {${CURRTIME}..$((${CURRTIME}+$((${INTERVALMIN}*${MSGCNT}))))..${INTERVALMIN}}); do msg_sched.bsh "@${a}" "Wake up its $(date -d"@${a}")"; done; lsmsgs; }; _'
Friday, December 18, 2015
ELF64 NASM - Change case - simple example!
section .text
global _start ; Entry point for linker (ld)
; Linker entry point
mov rcx,len ; Place length of message into rcx
mov rbp,msg ; Place address of our msg into rbp
dec rbp ; Adjust count to offset
; Go through the buffer and convert lowercase to uppercase characters:
cmp byte [rbp+rcx],0x41 ; Test input char against uppercase 'A'
jb lowerScan ; Not uppercase Ascii < 0x41 ('A') - jump below
cmp byte [rbp+rcx],0x5A ; Test input char against uppercase 'Z'
ja lowerScan ; Not uppercase Ascii > 0x5A ('Z') - jump above
; At this point, we have a uppercase character
add byte [rbp+rcx],0x20 ; Add 0x20 to get the uppercase Ascii value
jmp Next ; Done, jump to next
cmp byte [rbp+rcx],0x61 ; Test input char against lowercase
jb Next ; Not lowercase Ascii < 0x61 ('a') - jump below
cmp byte [rbp+rcx],0x7A ; Test input char against lowercase 'z'
ja Next ; Not lowercase Ascii > 0x7A ('z') - jump below
; At this point, we have a lowercase char
sub byte [rbp+rcx],0x20 ; Subtract 0x20 to get the lowercase Ascii value
; Fall through to next
dec rcx ; Decrement counter
jnz upperScan ; If characters remain, loop back
; Write the buffer full of processed text to stdout:
mov rbx,1 ; File descriptor 1 (stdout)
mov rax,4 ; System call number (sys_write)
mov rcx,msg ; Message to write
mov rdx,len ; Length of message to write
int 0x80 ; Call kernel interrupt
mov rax,1 ; System call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
section .data
msg db 'hELLO, wwwoRLD!',0xa ; Our dear string
len equ $ - msg ; Length of our dear string
Quick Nasm/Assembly Tutorial One-liner! =)
alias quickasm64='_() { cd /tmp; outfile="helloworld.asm"; echo "Writing ${outfile} ..."; echo -en "section .text\nglobal _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)\n\n_start: ;tell linker entry point\n\n mov rdx,len ;message length\n mov rcx,msg ;message to write\n mov rbx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)\n mov rax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)\n int 0x80 ;call kernel\n\n mov rax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)\n int 0x80 ;call kernel\n\nsection .data\n\nmsg db \x27Hello, world\x21\x27,0xa ;our dear string\nlen equ \$ - msg ;length of our dear string\n\n" > "${outfile}"; echo "Compiling assembler: nasm -felf64 \"${outfile}\"..."; nasm -felf64 "${outfile}"; echo "Linking object helloworld.o: ld -melf_x86_64 -o helloworld helloworld.o ..."; ld -melf_x86_64 -o helloworld helloworld.o; echo "Displaying ${outfile} asm source: "; cat "${outfile}"; echo "Executing linked helloworld executable! ./helloworld | figlet .."; ./helloworld | figlet; file ./helloworld;}; _'
alias quickasm='_() { cd /tmp; outfile="helloworld.asm"; echo "Writing ${outfile} ..."; echo -en "section .text\nglobal _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)\n\n_start: ;tell linker entry point\n\n mov edx,len ;message length\n mov ecx,msg ;message to write\n mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)\n mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)\n int 0x80 ;call kernel\n\n mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)\n int 0x80 ;call kernel\n\nsection .data\n\nmsg db \x27Hello, world\x21\x27,0xa ;our dear string\nlen equ \$ - msg ;length of our dear string\n\n" > "${outfile}"; echo "Compiling assembler: nasm -felf \"${outfile}\"..."; nasm -felf "${outfile}"; echo "Linking object helloworld.o: ld -melf_i386 -o helloworld helloworld.o ..."; ld -melf_i386 -o helloworld helloworld.o; echo "Displaying ${outfile} asm source: "; cat "${outfile}"; echo "Executing linked helloworld executable! ./helloworld | figlet .."; ./helloworld | figlet; file ./helloworld;}; _'
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Create Animated CSS HTML from Video!
#!/usr/bin/env bash
### Copyrighted by +AMD / Adam Michael Danischewski 2015+
### Free for all non-commercial uses, provided this notice remain intact.
### File: video2css.bsh Version: v.1.0
### This script converts a video clip into a CSS animation! =)
### Make a sandbox directory for the video and its files, then cd to it
### and run this script with a valid YOUTUBE url as an argument.
### Requires: avconv, youtube-dl, jp2a, firefox (if you want it to auto
### preview w/out failing).
### Have fun hacking! =)
(($#<1)) || [[ "${1}" =~ ^- ]] && echo "Usage: ${0##*/} <\"http://youtube url\"|\"local video file\"> <frames> <step>" && exit 0
declare YOUTUBE_URL="${1}"
declare VIDEO_FILENAME="${1}"
declare -i CSSMOVIE_MAXFRAMES=${2:-320} ## Limit on how many converted frames, its only a preview.
declare -i CSSMOVIE_STEPFRAMES=${3:-5} ## Skip every 5 frames, sensible on my mach.
declare CSSMOVIE_HTML=""
declare -i EXTRACT_DURATION=40
declare VIDEO_JPEG_SIZE="200x100"
declare EXTRACT_STARTTIME="00:00:01.00"
function get_video() {
if [[ "${YOUTUBE_URL}" =~ ^http ]]; then
VIDEO_FILENAME=$(youtube-dl --get-filename "${YOUTUBE_URL}" 2>/dev/random)
youtube-dl -f best --no-cache-dir "${YOUTUBE_URL}"
function extract_jpegs() {
function jpeg2css() {
local outname="";
for a in "${CSSMOVIE_PATHPREFIX}"*.jpeg; do
jp2a --colors --chars=" " --fill --html-fontsize=4 --html-raw "$a" > "${outname}"
function print_html_array() {
local -i i=1;
local fcontents="";
while ((${i} < ${CSSMOVIE_MAXFRAMES})); do
fcontents=$(< "${CSSMOVIE_PATHPREFIX}-${i}.html")
echo "imgArr.push(\"${fcontents}\");"
function print_html_file() {
<div id="cssMovie"></div>
var imgArr = new Array($((${CSSMOVIE_MAXFRAMES}/${CSSMOVIE_STEPFRAMES})));
cat <<EOF
var loopTimer;
function frameLooper() {
if(imgArr.length > 0) {
document.getElementById("cssMovie").innerHTML = imgArr.shift();
} else {
return false;
loopTimer = setTimeout('frameLooper()',10);
print_html_file > "${CSSMOVIE_HTML}"
firefox "${CSSMOVIE_HTML}"
exit 0
Friday, December 11, 2015
Get Pid of a Process Backgrounded within a Subshell
You can use the ppid of the parent by echoing out the BASHPID of the parent when you first enter
the shell,then you background the process and can look up the pid via ppid using the parent pid.
E.g. To get the pid of a sleep 555 command backgrounded within a subshell:
(echo "$BASHPID" > /tmp/_tmp_pid_ && sleep 555 &) && ps -ho pid --ppid=$(< /tmp/_tmp_pid_)
Move X Window by Pid
## Arg 1 - Pid of window to move.
## Arg 2 - X-Coord.
## Arg 3 - Y-Coord.
function move_win() {
xdotool windowmove $(wmctrl -lp | grep ${1} | cut -d' ' -f1) ${2} ${3}
E.g. $> move_win $(pidof zenity) 0 0
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Find out when a sleep command will exit
alias endofsleep='_() { while IFS= read a; do cmd_pid=$(awk "{print \$1}" <<< "${a}"); cmd_line=$(sed "s/^${cmd_pid} *//" <<< "${a}"); echo "Command:${cmd_line}, Pid:${cmd_pid}, Ends:$(date -d "@$(($(date -d"$(ps -o lstart= -p${cmd_pid})" +%s)+${1}))")"; done< <(ps -eo pid,cmd | grep "[s]leep ${1}$"); }; _'
Monday, December 7, 2015
URL Scraping/Extraction w/Sed
alias lsurls='_(){ sed "s/http/\nhttp/g" "${1}" | sed -n "s/\(^http[s]*:[a-Z0-9/.?=_-]*\)\(.*\)/\1/p"; }; _'
Friday, December 4, 2015
Ls symbolically linked directories - w/find
alias lslnd='find . -printf "%l\0" | xargs -0 -I {} bash -c "[[ -d \"{}\" ]] && echo \"{}\""'
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Execute arbitrary lines in files
alias execln='_() { if (($#<2)) || [[ ! $1 =~ p ]]; then echo "Usage: execln <sed line range [e.g. 1p or \"1p;3p;2p;4,5p\"]> <file>"; else eval "$(sed -n "${1}" "${2}")"; fi; }; _'
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Mpd Song Report Daemon w/Notify-Send - Simple!
alias songd='while :; do notify-send --urgency=low -i "audio-headphones" "$(mpc current --wait)"; done &'
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